Volunteer League


the league

Who We Are:

The mission of the Williamsburg Symphony Orchestra League is to provide volunteer support services and financial support to The Williamsburg Symphony Orchestra.  

What We Do:

Since 1987, The League has a proud history of supporting the Symphony with volunteer services including ushers for concerts, office support, drivers, etc.  The League also plans fundraising activities such as the annual Gala, the Own Your Own Orchestra campaign, and other special events.  All funds raised through these events are for the sole and exclusive purpose of providing direct benefit to The Williamsburg Symphony Orchestra.

WSO League


join us!

As a League member/volunteer your help is invaluable. Whether you prefer contributing to a project or assisting with specific tasks, there are opportunities to fit your schedule and skills. You can work behind the scenes at rehearsals and concerts preparing the concert hall, provide office support, help plan special events such as our annual fundraising gala, or usher at a concert…these are just some of the ways you might play a role in supporting Our Symphony.

The League provides opportunities for musical enrichment, meeting new friends, reconnecting with old ones, and participating in a variety of engaging activities. As a League member, you will enjoy advance notice of special events, a quarterly newsletter, opportunities to meet and interact with renowned guest artists, and receive recognition in concert programs.

Joining is easy. Download the membership form on this page and mail it with your payment to the address on the form. If you wish to assist us, please also complete the Volunteer Form. All volunteers must be current League members and are required to purchase concert tickets for admission. Both forms can be filled in online so you can easily complete, print, and mail to us with your payment or drop it off at the League table at any Masterworks concert. If you have any questions, we are happy to help and are available at the League table in the lobby at all Masterworks concerts.

The Williamsburg Symphony Orchestra League is a charitable and educational organization established under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. (EIN 54-1458683)



Own Your Own Orchestra- or at least, a part of one!
Spring Newsletter


granting agencies

This project was supported, in part, by the Virginia Commission for the Arts, which receives support from the Virginia General Assembly and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.